Sunday, September 9, 2012

“Country Chick” - My Tutor Friend Review

동갑내기 과외하기 | Donggabnaegi Gwawoehagi
Also known as:
Release Date:
7. February 2003
Kim Kyeong Hyeong
Choi Soo Wan, Park Yeon Sun
Jang Yeong Kwon
Kim Ha Neul, Kwon Sang Woo


Su Wan’s broke so she has to tutor a high school student called Ji Hoon, who ‘s 21 years old. (Is that even possible? Can you fail that many times?)
He’s a difficult student and he’d rather have fights than study. (I know how you feel, buddy…)
Su Wan ignores that and just sits down to fill the hours (that’s the business spirit, go for it!) All that changes when Ji Hoon suddenly appears in his room bleeding from a fight he had before. She fixes him up but the police arrive anyway and his rich father has to get him out. His dad wants him to study abroad but he doesn’t want to and says that he’ll raise his mark above 50 in the next midterm test.
Which he does. And Su Wan has to dance on her school festival, since that was her promise if he gets above 50 points. But Ji Hoon isn’t pleased at all. (Since he was jealous of all the male attention she got)
He asks her for a date on Sunday, but she’s already going to an orphanage with her study group and her boyfriend.
Ji Hoon cockblocks them, but doesn’t succeed full through. But Soo Wan gets dumped anyway, so it doesn’t matter. So she calls Ji Hoon to talk about her broken heart and he gets her home. And there’s this kind of beautiful scene… O my god, Korea you’re disgusting!!
Well the last day of the tutor lessons arrives and they go parasailing, Ji Hoon tells her he likes her and she crash-lands because of that. She pretends she didn’t hear it. On the evening they both go to an amusement park and meets up with her friend and highschoolzones Ji Hoon (That’s enough, no more tumblr for you Demochild!)
In the end it all resolves in an utterly weird kidnapping/chasing-scene, which ends rather surpsingly…


It’s an average comedy romance. I mean, after the first few minutes you know the whole story. But it was really funny. I mean when she just thinks he bluffs and acts the stubborn rebellious kid and then she finds out that’s his real self and she acts all “please don’t kill me”-nice.
The main actors were good. They were funny to watch and they did a good job. Kwon Sang Woo was good but Demochild and I have to say he hadn’t to do much. I mean, he had only to look great into the camera and to act like a brat. And afterwards.. yeah, it’s like he grew up (finally agelike).
Kim Ha Neul was also good. She was the typical feisty lady and that’s what she acted like.But the supporting roles weren’t that good, but they did their jobs. Don’t understand me wrong, half of the funny jokes came from those guys!
Overall, it was a nice comedy romance, so if you have time why not check it out.


  1. Du hast recht, im Grunde ist es kein außergewöhnlicher Film, aber ich verbinde mit ihm eine sehe schöne Erinnerung weil es der erste Film war, den ich mit meinem jetzigen Freund geschaut habe :) fand es ziemlich komisch Kim Ha Neil noch so jung zu sehen, weil ich sie nur aus neueren Projekten kenne.

    1. Ähm xD Das lustige ist ja, dass er wollte, dass ich ihn anschaue. Er kannte ihn schon mit vietnamesischem Sub und wir haben es nochmal mit Englischem gesehen, auch wenn er nichts verstanden hat ^^ Er mochte ihn also :D

    2. Hahahaha, cool. Ich hoffe, ich kann dann auch mit meinem Freund auch solche Filme schauen kann, falls ich mich mal dazu entschliesse, eine Beziehung einzugehen xD
